Detox from the tap

Detox cure from the tap - how is that supposed to work?

February 09, 20255 min read

Detox - you hear this word everywhere these days. Whether it's detox cures, detox teas or juice fasting, the idea of ridding the body of unnecessary toxins is more popular than ever.

But did you know that you have the most important substance for detoxification at home and it comes straight from your tap? Yes, you read that right! Water, which you drink every day, is not only vital, but also a real detox hero.


1. Why water is the basis for your detox cure

Wasser ist das Herzstück

Water is the heart of your body - you are made up of over ¾ of it. Not only does it make up a large part of your body, it is also responsible for countless functions. It helps to transport nutrients, remove metabolic products and keep your body running with all its vital processes.

But why is water so important for a detox cure?

I'll tell you now. Detoxification works in 2 directions: From the inside out and from the outside in.

From the inside out - water flushes toxins out of the cells

wässrige Zellen

Water is the means of transport for the harmful substances that you absorb throughout the day and store in your cells. Your body is constantly working to eliminate toxins - be it through urine, stool or sweat. Your cells, kidneys, intestines and lymphatic system are the main players in this detoxification process, and the right water ensures that they can work efficiently.

Imagine you have a pump that is constantly pumping out dirty water. What happens if you don't give the pump enough fresh water? It works more slowly and less effectively. It's the same with your body. If you don't give your body enough of the right water, your detoxification processes can come to a standstill. What's more, the “wrong” water doesn't even penetrate the cells.

From the outside in - clean and structured water detoxifies


The second crucial aspect of detox through water concerns the quality of the water you drink.

Not all water is the same. The water that comes out of the tap can be contaminated with pollutants such as chlorine, heavy metals, drug residues or pesticides. Sewage treatment facilities do not filter everything, pipes release substances.

In addition, tap water has lost its functional properties (energy and structure) for your cell processes. This often also applies to bottled water.

Water with bad substances and non-functioning water will never become your detoxification hero. However, you can easily and permanently create one at home.


2. Detoxification from the outside and from the inside


You can easily get detox water from your tap for decades.

There are two water products that are the be-all and end-all for me when it comes to a detox cure from the tap. Each works in its own unique way and together in unbeatable synergy.

A filter and a swirler transform your tap water into your ever-present detox hero. That's it.

I have looked at and scrutinized many products. These two passed my criteria for a nature-based, simple and self-empowered vitality excellently and convinced me.

Detox from the outside - the stainless steel filter


The Flowlife filter is the first step towards pure water. It sits in the water pipe and not only removes larger particles and impurities, but also filters out microplastics, heavy metals, chlorine, medicines and other harmful substances. This gives you clean and safe water.

It is made of knitted activated carbon (much more effective than granules) and other natural materials such as zeolite packed in a stainless steel flask. Its lifespan is 75 years and, similar to the cradle-to-cradle principle, it is regenerated every 3 years.

Detox from the inside - the SPRING swirler


To give this water the structure and energy to make your detoxification from the inside very effective - in other words to turn it into water that flushes the cells, run it through the SPRING swirler at the end of the tap. (For more details, see the Vitality Journal "Which water wholly waters?")

The patented vortex technology of the SPRING swirler "energizes" the water, giving it a living structure that enables your body to first absorb the water better in the cells and then actually remove toxins from the cells and organs. This technology transforms tap water into a spring water quality that boosts your body's vitality and initiates detoxification.

3. The result? Living water for your permanent detoxification

gewässerte Familie

With these two nature-based products, you are no longer drinking just any water to quench your thirst, but one that is actually clean and also has a spring water quality that enables your body to regenerate and detoxify itself.

Your water becomes a real detox helper:

  • you give your body clean water on the outside, which

  • will flush out toxins on the inside thanks to its structure and energy.

This water is perfect and so simple for the whole family - two-legged or four-legged. Even your green root owners will thrive with this water.


4. Conclusion and my tips for you

Detoxwasser mit Zitrone
  • Drink your 2 - 3 liters of water a day.

    • With the two Flowlife filter and SPRING swirler utensils, you have a permanent detox hero that flushes you out and gives you strength.

  • The new tap water will taste delicious, we promise. Children and animals will also enjoy it and drink more water of their own accord.

  • Detoxification is not a short-term measure - it is a continuous process. With pure, energized water, you lay the foundation for a healthy and vital life. Your body and mind will thank you for it!

  • Sometimes squeeze a lemon into it. Your kidneys will be happy about this. In the morning, it also helps your stomach and digestive tract to get going for the day.

  • Would you like to add the icing on the cake to your super spring stream water, which also has other health benefits? Then take a look at molecular hydrogen water on my website. For example, it detoxifies the brain in a very special way and is effective against degenerative weaknesses and diseases.

These 2 utensils will create your detox hero:


Stainless steel activated carbon filter for the water pipe


SPRING swirler for the tap

This would be the icing on the cake on top of the tap detox hero:

LumiVitae H2-CellPowerflasche


Let yourself be inspired and become naturally and simply vital,

Yours Vitality Artist Martina

Vitality Artist - Martina Strusch

Vitality Artist

Vitality Artist - Martina Strusch

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